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Twitter - To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

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To Tweet or Not to Tweet - that is the question we hope to answer.As a standard part of our website design service Amherst Partners will create a Twitter account for our client's business. So, how does Twitter fin into the overall plan and how does Twitter fit in with Facebook? In this article I will explain the rational behind setting up a Twitter account. I will also provide some recommendations as to how to use Twitter as part of your overall Internet marketing strategy.

Ok, so what exactly is Twitter? Well, "Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read other users' messages called tweets". [quote from Wikipedia] Twitter, like Facebook, has become one of the cornerstones of many a Fortune 500 company's Internet marketing strategy. Take a look at these links to some well known corporate Tweets. ( NBC, General Motors, and United Airlines ) In fact, large corporations in many cases have multiple Twitter accounts that cater to the different operational aspects of their business, e.g., new product announcements, customer service, press releases, etc. Your internet marketing strategy can be just as effective as the larger corporations if you have something compelling to say. The most important part of my last statement is "if you have something compelling to say". It's important to view Twitter as part of a broader strategy and plan. This is where Amherst Partners comes in.

If you haven't already read it, you may be interested in our article about Facebook ("Facebook - Should You or Shouldn't You?"). I that article we discuss how, as a standard service, Amherst Partners creates a Facebook account for our clients. We then link an RSS feed from our clients' website to their Facebook account so that updates to selected areas of their website are automatically placed on their Facebook Wall.


Well, when we create a Twitter account for our client's we also create a direct feed from their Facebook account to their Twitter account so that updates to their Facebook Wall are automatically propagated to Twitter as a Tweet. We work with our clients to select appropriate subsets of their website for publishing to Facebook and Twitter. We then teach our clients how to submit regular updates - articles - to  the areas of their website that get automatically propagated to Facebook and then onto Twitter. Typically, the areas of a website we focus on are the press release, newsletter, or recent news sections. These can be anything our clients desire as long as they are areas that will be updated on a regular basis.

Our belief is that if our clients have a good product and/or service to offer and they spend a little quality time thinking about what makes their product or service the best on the market and then write about it, sooner or later enough interest will be generated that people will start following them on these key social networking venues.

Below is a live feed from Amherst Partner's Twitter account. This is another feature we can add to our clients' websites if they decide they want it.

Last Updated on Monday, 11 October 2010 10:18

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